This year in March, Google provide a way through its app or Android apps used to pay bills. In this Play Store billing is also included. Google Play app enables non-gaming developers globally to sign up as a User Choice Billing pilot. Its naming and markets will be in the testing phase. These countries are Australia, India, Indonesia, and Japan the pilot markets for user Choice Billing in European Economic Area (EEA).
Currently, the EEA includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
Non-gaming mobile or tablet application developers enable registered businesses and sign up. Those get the ability to give alternative billing methods with the app. The company provides lists as:
- This way complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) (if handling credit and debit card data).
- It provides customer support for users of the alternative billing system (including any products sold using the alternative billing system), and the alternative billing system must provide a process to dispute unauthorized transactions.
- It also notifies us in advance of intended changes to your app enrollment preferences, such as disabling or enabling user choice billing in a particular app or country.
The non-gaming developer needs to pay service fees, which are” reduced by 4% when an alternate system is used, and which is similar to South Korea. google trying to make some situation that such fees are needed to support regular investments around Android and Google Play. On the other hand, end-user Google Play billing benefits are parent controls, family payment methods, subscription management, Google Play cards, and Play points.
The company continues to make the case that these fees are needed to support “continued investments across Android and Google Play.” Meanwhile, it touts end-user Google Play billing advantages like “parental controls, family payment methods, subscription management, Google Play gift cards, and Play Points.”
Android has always been a uniquely open operating system, and we continue to evolve our platform and increase the choices available to developers and users while maintaining our ability to invest in the ecosystem. With this next phase of Google Play’s user choice billing pilot, all non-gaming developers can offer an additional billing choice alongside Play’s billing system for their users in Australia, Japan, India, Indonesia, and the European Economic Area. We will be sharing more in the coming months as we continue to build and iterate with our pilot partners.
— Google spokesperson
The first partner in this is Spotify in March. The company also plans available users that the User Choice Billing in Key markets this year.
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