The 2021 Tech Talks page is live today. The project will allow developers to connect with Apple experts in more than 100 live online courses and 1,500 available office hour appointments. Apple said that developers can use these conferences to study technical content in-depth, get answers to questions, and seek one-on-one guidance.
The conference will be held online from Apple locations around the world, including Bangalore, India, Cupertino, California, London, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Seoul, South Korea, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tel Aviv, Israel, and Tokyo.
Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of global developer relations, said:
Every day, developers all over the world are creating incredible applications and games for our platform. Our goal is to provide them with all possible resources to help their hard work become easier and more influential. . Our team looks forward to establishing contacts with more developers around the world so that we can better support the important work of this extremely valuable community and listen to and learn from their opinions.
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Tech Talks will be held from October 25th to December 17th. Developers can register for the meeting and submit time requests starting today. The first technical lecture will begin on October 25, and new meetings and schedules will be announced every two weeks.