How to turn on the maximum speed and speedometer in Google Maps

In Google Maps you can see the maximum allowed speed while navigating, and it is also possible to always see how fast you are driving. However, they are not always enabled by default for users. So we explain how to activate it.

Quite a few people rely on Google Maps’ free maps and navigation every day. It’s a convenient all-in-one package whether you’re driving to work and checking out the traffic, or on vacation exploring cities, you don’t know.

It is precise because Maps is such a success that important improvements are made to the service on a regular basis, two examples of which are the speedometer and the speed limit. The first shows the speed of your car while driving, and that should work slightly more accurately than in the car thanks to your phone’s GPS connection. In addition, Maps is also aware of the maximum permitted speed on many Belgian and Dutch roads.

Activate Speed Limit & Speedometer

Google had been testing both features for a while before they were officially available to all users. So it is quite possible that you saw them pop up in your navigation for a while and then they disappeared again. These functions are now available to all Maps users and we show you how to activate them in the settings of the navigation app.


  • Open Google Maps on your phone.
  • Tap the profile icon of your Google account in the top right.
  • Choose Settings.
  • Press Navigation Settings.
  • Put under Rijopties the maximum speed and the speedometer on.
  • They can be seen while navigating.

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