Recently, OnePlus rolled out the current month’s security patch update for OnePlus 9R, OnePlus 11R, OnePlus Nord CE, OnePlus 8/Pro and 8T in India. Now, OnePlus released a new software update for the OnePlus Nord N20 SE owners. According to the latest report, today, OnePlus rolled out OxygenOS update for the OnePlus Nord N20 SE Globally. The latest software update is based on OxygenOS 13.1. You can see the full details of this update below.
Update Country:
- Global
Update Version:
- CPH2469_13.1.1.500(EX01)
Changelog (OnePlus 8/Pro/8T)
Aquamorphic Design
• Adds Aquamorphic Design theme colors for enhanced visual comfort.
• Adds Shadow-Reflective Clock, with shadow simulating the orientation of the sun and moon.
• Optimizes UI layers for clearer and neater visual experience.
• Adapts responsive layouts to accommodate different screen sizes to improve readability.
• Optimizes fonts for better readability.
• Optimizes system icons by using the latest color scheme to make the icons easier to recognize.
• Enriches and optimizes illustrations for features by incorporating multicultural and inclusive elements.
• Adds media playback control, and optimizes the Quick Settings experience.
• Adds more markup tools for screenshot editing.
Seamless interconnection
• Optimizes Screencast, with cast content automatically adapting to the target screen.
• Optimizes earphone connectivity to deliver a more seamless experience.
Security & privacy
• Adds an automatic pixelation feature for chat screenshots. The system can identify and automatically pixelate profile pictures and display names in a chat screenshot to protect your privacy.
• Adds regular clearing of clipboard data for privacy protection.
• Optimizes Private Safe. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used to encrypt all files for enhanced security of private files.
Note: As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we’ll begin a broader rollout in a few days.
How To Update:
Connect to an available Wi-Fi network, if you use mobile data, there will be a warning displayed
- Go to [Settings] – [system] – [system updates]
- Click [check for updates], if there is an update, click [DOWNLOAD&INSTALL NOW].