WhatsApp has been introducing new features for the past few times, and all of these features are similar to Telegram. Recently a report revealed that WhatsApp will soon introduce secret chats. That is, even an unlocked smartphone will not allow direct access to your chats. This lets you protect your chats from unauthorized access in a more personalized way.
WhatsApp is planning to make it possible to block individual chats in the future so that biometric screen locks can be re-questioned. Let me tell you that you can give your smartphone to others without hesitation, and even after that, your privacy will remain intact. This feature is called locket chats.
Sharing the information, Wabetainfo said that on opening this type of chat, where on one side fingerprint inquiry is used, on the other side a glimpse of secure chat is visible. As of now, it is not known when this feature will be launched.