As per Yonhap News Organization, Samsung Gadgets said that the worldwide deals of the lead model delivered in February this year, the System S23 series, is higher than that of the past age lead model, the S22 series.
Even though the Galaxy S23 series went on sale in major Central and South American nations like Brazil and Mexico a week after the global launch date of February 17, the sales volume is already 1.7 times that of the S22 series, according to reports.
Sales of the Galaxy S23 are 0.5 times higher than those of previous models in the European market, where high-end models hold a larger share of the market. Sales of the Galaxy S23 are 1.4 times and 1.5 times higher than those of previous models in India and the Middle East, respectively.
The Samsung Galaxy 23 series received 1.09 million pre-orders in the Korean domestic market seven days after its release, which is more than 7% more than the Galaxy S22 series from last year (approximately 1.017 million orders in eight days). The S22 series’ momentum for volume growth is comparable.
Additionally, Samsung Electronics stated that the S23 series would be available for purchase in Japan on April 20. The S23 series will also go on sale this month in some countries in Southwest Asia and Africa.