AnTuTu has shared the details of a new listing on its official Weibo handle. A new Vivo device with model number PD2266 has been spotted on AnTuTu. It is being speculated that this is Vivo’s Fold 2 which is going to enter the smartphone market soon. The Vivo Fold 2 will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen2 processor, and there are 12GB+512GB variants to choose from, the device will come with Android 13 pre-installed.
If we talk about the Antutu score of this device, the Vivo Fold 2 device has got a total of 1318092 points. In which the CPU score was 288246 points, GPU score was 579982 points, MEM score was 256004 points and UX score was 193860 points.
Vivo X Fold 2 will be available with an 8-inch Samsung E6 screen, 2K resolution, support for 120Hz high refresh, and LTPO dynamic high refresh rate, support for 3D ultrasonic fingerprints under the screen; built-in 4800 mAh dual-cell battery, Supporting 120W flash charging, it is the first second-gen Snapdragon 8 smartphone that supports 100W flash charging.
In terms of imaging, the new phone will be equipped with a 50 MP Sony IMX866 rear camera, which supports OIS optical image stabilization, supplemented by a 12-megapixel IMX663 ultra-wide-angle camera and a 12 MP IMX663 telephoto camera.
Previously, there were rumors that this model may be unveiled in the near future. In addition to the outstanding performance in terms of performance, the rest of the hardware configuration is obviously worth looking forward to. Let’s wait and see.