The Android 14 development is ongoing and Google is also focusing on the upgraded Android 13 features. In the last couple of months, it was revealed that the Pixel Adaptive Charging is getting more upgraded terms. A new notification to note when it’s active.
According to the 9To5Google report, the Adaptive Charging notification for Pixel phones was in development last April during the Android 13 Beta cycle. There’s now one report of it rolling out. The screenshot shared by the source mentioned that “Android System” and it’s named “Adaptive Charging is on.” Google explains that your Pixel phone is “charging steadily to preserve battery health,” and when it will reach 100%.
Adaptive Charging now shows a notification when in use with an option to turn it off
by u/slinky317 in GooglePixel
As per the info, You’ll get a button to “Turn off once.” Previously, the recommended route was Settings > Battery > Adaptive preferences.
When you charge your phone between 9 PM and 4 AM with an active alarm set for 3–10 AM, your phone may use Adaptive charging. This feature must be turned on for your phone to use it