Recently, Elon Musk said about the brain-computer interface company known as Neuralink developed a chip that implants in the human brain. This chip is now developing phase and needs more six months for completion. He also said that he will also implant that chip in his head.
In addition, they said that the company needs to do more formalities like submitting documents to the Food and Drug Administration for a human trial. The company’s target is to make a device that can be implanted in the brain and used to control a computer with brain activity.
Neuralink released some videos in which they tested the chip on a monkey playing Pong with its brain. This year, the monkeys are back. In a video demonstration, one of them helped “type” the phrase ‘welcome to show and tell’ using their implant by focusing on highlighted words and letters.
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The reason for the robot surgeons comes down to just how tiny those threads are. “Imagine taking a hair from your head and sticking it into jello covered by saran wrap, doing that to a precise depth and precision, and doing that 64 times in a reasonable amount of time,” said Christine Odabashian, the leader of Neuralink’s hardware insertion team. The company’s demos in 2019 and 2020 were designed as recruitment events, and this one is no different; the company admitted recruiting was its primary goal of the evening.
Lastly, researchers at the company state that they were developing treatments that could either help improve or restore vision or restore movement in people with paralysis.