A few months, before Microsoft developed a feature for the Chromium version of the Edge. This feature was added in May and a few days, it was added to the Edge Canary channel one more feature is screenshot integration. Recently, Android 12L brings the Windows 11 style design to the Microsoft Surface Duo and Duo 2, new wallpaper, customization feature, and menu with a new design. Now, with a new feature users can access the Microsoft Surface Duo with the Remote Desktop applications.
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As per the report, this Microsoft Surface Duo feature is known as the Forced Desktop Mode. For using this feature user need to change the setting as follows: Settings > System > Developer Options. After this user can move to the Force Desktop Mode and next it refers to the Force Experimental Desktop Mode on Secondary Displays. Right now, this feature is in its developing phase.
When it is connected to the desktop then you see will no change in its interface then you only perform your work through the desktop. All other peripheral devices like the mouse, and keyboard. The computer monitor will display the remote desktop application icon, which the user can click to operate.
Lastly, this device enables users to allows choosing connect to the web and also able to connect to other PCs and laptops.