Microsoft Surface Duo comes with a unique dual-screen and offers productivity features. One thing Microsoft has about this phone that makes this phone better than the regular iPhone or Samsung Galaxy is its ability to run Windows 11 (unofficial, of course). Earlier this capability was only available on Surface Duo but now Surface Duo 2 owners can try their luck by swapping out Android 11 for Windows. Below you can check the complete guide of this processor.
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Files/Tools Needed:
- A Linux virtual machine with parted installed
- Expert knowledge of what you’re doing (this is even more susceptible to bricks than the duo 1 guide, do not follow for now if you are not comfortable, this is very advanced still)
- Your stock boot image (from ota recovery package)
- Early Boot package: surfaceduo2-bootpkg.img
- Boot package: surfaceduo2-boot.tar
- Windows UEFI: surfaceduo2-uefi.img
- Platform Tools from Google (ADB and Fastboot)
- An ARM64 Windows build of your choice that meets the minimum system requirements (specifically the install.wim file). You can use UUPMediaCreator for this. Here’s a guide on how to use it.
- A Windows PC to build the Windows ISO, apply it onto the phone from mass storage, configure ESP
- Don’t create partitions from Mass Storage Mode on Windows (because ABL will break with blank/spaces in names), your phone may be irrecoverable otherwise
- If you see a warning and/or error during the process, it is not normal. Contact us on telegram if you see anything odd, but do not continue or proceed on your own, you will break things further.
- Don’t rerun the commands if you interrupt the process. You may break your partition table. Parted is a very delicate tool, anything you do may cause permanent damage to your device.
- Do not run all commands at once. Parted is a very delicate tool, anything you do may cause permanent damage to your device.
- Do not commit any typo with any commands. Parted is a very delicate tool, anything you do may cause permanent damage to your device.
- Be familiar with command line interfaces. Parted is a very delicate tool, anything you do may cause permanent damage to your device.
Unlocking the bootloader
Backup all your data. You will lose everything you have on Android and will start from scratch.
In Android settings, enable the Developer Settings menu (7 consecutive taps on Build Number), and turn on “OEM Unlock” inside it.
Assuming your Surface Duo 2 is booted to Android, plugged to your PC:
- Open a command prompt on your PC and run this command:
adb reboot bootloader
- You will be rebooted to Surface Duo 2’s bootloader. From there:
fastboot flashing unlock
Your phone will wipe itself and reboot to the Out of Box Experience in Android (OOBE). From then:
In Android settings, enable the Developer Settings menu (7 consecutive taps on Build Number), and turn on “OEM Unlock” inside it.
Reboot back into the bootloader menu by running this command:
adb reboot bootloader