Recently, Google launched Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro along with the Pixel Watch. Both phones come with 8GB and 12GB RAM. The Pixel 7 has two cameras at the back, while the Pixel 7 Pro features a triple rear camera setup. In smartphones refresh rate is a very important factor. If the phone has more refresh rate it display works more smoothly. In this, you will know both phones have different refresh rates. Both phone’s screen features and Pixel 7 Pro’s variable rate.
Know about the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro’s refresh rate
The refresh rate is simply how fast your screen processes new frames of information. A related concept, on the software side, is frames per second, which is more than likely familiar. For example, if a device was running a 1 Hz display, it would only be capable of one image on screen every second.
If you were to try scrolling up or down, that action wouldn’t be visible until a second had passed. A common refresh rating sits at about 90 Hz on mid to high-tier devices and 120 Hz on high-end ones. This is an uptick from the 60 Hz displays we’ve seen in devices since around 2010. As for the Pixel 7 series, both phones run at different max refresh rates. The Pixel 7 has a max refresh rate of 90 Hz, while the Pixel 7 Pro can get up to 120 Hz.
Pixel 7 Pro feature a variable rate
There is a new feature on Pixel & Pro is a “variable refresh rate”. Variable refresh rate VRR is a method of throttling the display to only output the necessary amount of frames. This saves on battery and processing power because it only requires so much effort from the Pixel 7 Pro itself. That phone which has more refresh rate needs good battery life. The latest Pixel 7 Pro is equipped with the efficient Tensor G2 which has better battery life.
If the page is sitting idle, the Pixel’s display can crawl down to 10 Hz in certain cases. Once you start scrolling, both the OLED display and Android work together to spike that VRR back up to whatever is necessary.
That peak of 120 Hz on the Pixel 7 Pro is only ever needed a fraction of the time and when not in use, the display can creep down to extremely low rates, saving plenty of power. While the Pixel 7 Pro can run through a multitude of steps in refresh rate, the Pixel 7 can only switch between 60 Hz and 90 Hz. If you turn Battery Saver on, you’ll notice a reduction in frames. In that setting, both Pixels limit themselves to 60 Hz.
Lastly, the Pixel 7 Pro variable refresh rate has a lot of impact on features users who didn’t notice much. The Pixel 7 and 7 Pro can hit 90 Hz and 120 Hz respectively.
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