When Pixel 5 upgraded to Android 13 then Android Auto not working. Users to solve this problem by trying reinstalling the AA app, clearing its cache and storage, changing cables, etc. After that check all the cables which are MTP for file transferring purposes so the issue is not from there. The vehicle can’t recognize the device when trying to connect for playing music. Some other Pixel users complain about when they update to Android 13 they will be unable to use Android Auto.
The above Pixel 5 owner issue first came up in early September following the formal release of Android 13, and it seems to have had a limited impact on the whole. There a couple of confirmed cases are detailed within the thread, on the Pixel 5 device.
This issue may not look big but Google is starting inquiries about this. Meanwhile, highlighting the issue to the list of known problems the company also gives this problem to Android Auto to know the cause of this issue.
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have forwarded your issue to the rest of the team and will keep you updated with the available information.
Right now, no specific solution come for this but some users on the thread report that resetting their car’s infotainment system fixed the issue. There some other users were able to resolve the issue by diving into Developer Settings on their phone and switching the “Default USB Configuration” to favor File Transfer/Android Auto.
At last, after changing the settings and device can get the exact solution for this issue. May be company still working on this issue and in the coming release the solution with an update.
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