Google is reportedly working on a pocket-friendly flagship smartphone. Yes, you read it right, the Weibo tipster, Digital Chat Station has shared some key info. Google is working on the small screen phone and the codename was spotted as Neila. The design is as same as the Pixel mode.
Sounds pretty interesting. The codename “Neila” hasn’t surfaced anywhere before. Whether Google is really preparing a “Mini Flagship,” we have yet to find out.
Digital Chat Station Official Statement: Google polished a small-screen flagship machine codenamed neila, with a centered single-hole straight screen + family-style rear design. Small screen phones feel popular overseas, domestic sales are not as good as expected, including the very large screen product line are quite dangerous …..
Recently Google has announced that it is going to organize an event on 6th October in which it will officially launch the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. Although we already know everything about the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro and Google has also displayed these two phones on its Google Store which provides us with the official information about both of them.
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