Now, Tesla’s FSD Beta updates version available to employees. This version update is 2022.20.11 and it comes as FSD Beta, but that’s not fully confirmed yet. Since, when the Tesla FSD Beta was released to the employees on August 20th. From that, the company released 1,000 beta testers to the public. After that Tesla issued a small update with beta 10.69.1 which is available for the 1000 tester but in that few more were added.
The company was expected to be rolling out the version 10.69.1 testers up to 10,000 but has not seen them yet. The company plan to wrap up a few little ends before adding more in the beta. You find news in this FSD beta version
When the employees pass this phase then other existing testers get updated to the latest beta version. As per some rumors Tesla plans to include more testers on this latest FSD Beta. For that, you should wait some more days. FSD Beta comes from very long and its features have important enhancements. The company merges the feature of 10.69.1 into the beta so now it has all the features from Tesla’s 2022.20 production branch.
Tesla reset the FSD Beta strikes along with 10.69.1 for people to know that out of FSD Beta. In these features, Seat belt improvement is included, in energy prediction is also improved. There are several undocumented features, which you can check out in the release notes. In this beta only small fixes which mean it is just like same as the beta 10.69.1 version.
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