Google has once again updated its Android Beta Program ahead of its Android 14 progress. According to the updated page, Google dropped Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL from the Android 13 beta program. Below you can check the updated list.
- Pixel 4a
- Pixel 4a (5G)
- Pixel 5
- Pixel 5a
- Pixel 6
- Pixel 6 Pro
- Pixel 6a
To see your accounts, go to Settings > Accounts. Devices must be on a non-Developer Preview public stable build to enroll in the beta program.
Due to the drop, the above two devices won’t be able to get the Android 13 QPR1 stable version in December this year. Apart from these devices, the next device to get into the Android 13 beta will be the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. As far as the security update is concerned the Pixel 4 will get 2 more monthly updates that will fix several bugs.
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