Recently, Microsoft updated the Microsoft Store regulations to allow paid open source applications to be listed, but after the specific regulations were announced, this already well-received change has once again caused controversy.
What caused the controversy this time was the 10.2.1 entry of the updated document, which restricted the browsers allowed to be listed on the app store, stipulating that only browsers with Chromium and Gecko kernels could be listed.
At first glance, this provision does not seem to be a problem. The current mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox use Chromium or Gecko, and most other browsers are also developed based on these two kernels.
But in fact, the Safari browser, which was developed by Apple and has a market share comparable to Edge, uses the WebKit kernel, which means that it and other browsers that use this kernel are directly shut out of Microsoft.
Interestingly, this new rule actually blocks Microsoft’s own EdgeHTML kernel, but considering that this kernel is not used by any browsers except the old version of Edge, naturally, no one pays attention.
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