Nearby Share will become even more useful on Android 13

Google relaunched local file sharing via Bluetooth in 2020 with Nearby Share, but this feature will soon be given further visibility in Android 13, as it will allow users to access it immediately after copying to the clipboard.

Technician Mishaal Rahman was able to manually activate the new UI showing a Nearby Share button in the new clipboard panel that appears superimposed on a device running Android 13 and the latest version of Google Play Services.

In addition to displaying the content that has just been copied along with an edit or highlight option, the panel can also show other contextual buttons, such as Google Maps when copying an address.

You will soon be able to access Nearby Share after copying to the clipboard

It is currently unclear whether this new nearby share button will be a fixed or contextual addition in the panel that appears as an overlay, but it should still be useful in copy and paste operations. Rahman suggests that Nearby Share users who receive copied text and images should be able to automatically import them into their clipboard, but this is currently not the case.

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