Samsung rolls out paperless campaign to transition to electronic documents

According to the latest report, environmental awareness is an aspect of our lives that is largely guided by practice and routine. While environmental awareness plays a huge role in understanding how important it is to make the right changes to our practices and routines for a better future, encouraging sustainable practices is more complex than awareness.

Businesses are a huge contributor to climate change due to their reliance on resources, which are ultimately limited. As sustainability practices become indispensable, companies are struggling to initiate the transition to eco-conscious alternatives.

One such effort comes from Samsung, which has introduced a new integrated global customer service system for paperless documents. Hyeongnam Kim, executive vice president and head of the global customer service center at Samsung, said:

We are constantly striving to provide convenient services to our customers and to strengthen our sustainable management practices in the area of ​​customer service. We at Samsung are committed to creating a more sustainable future for a better life for all by introducing creative eco-conscious solutions across all business areas. With a focus on sustainable management, we make reducing carbon emissions, recycling resources and restoring ecosystems our top priorities as a global leader in protecting the environment.

This activity will facilitate the global transition from paper documents, such as service records and receipts, to electronic documents sent by email or message. Samsung’s upgraded Global Service Partner Network (GSPN) will send electronic documents to customers through interfaces supported by different digital communication services around the world.

The new system will be used by more than 11,000 service centers of 40 Samsung Electronics subsidiaries in 180 countries. To enhance this work, the tech giant aims to replace official documents throughout the service center with electronic ones as well.

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