The Apple Watch Series 8, which will be launched later this year, is expected to have three models, in addition to the standard version, there is also an SE version and a “rugged” version for sports enthusiasts. Designer @Id_vova shared a concept image on Twitter, showing the latest concept image of the Apple Watch Series 8.
The screen is square with a rounded bottom for better comfort. Another major aspect depicted in the concept image is the flat-edged design of the Apple Watch Series 8. It was recently reported that the Apple Watch Series 8 will feature a square design with flat edges and sharp corners. However, sources have also suggested the same design for last year’s Series 7.
In addition to this, a concept rendering of the Apple Watch Series 8 also shows a larger speaker opening. You’ll also find the familiar side buttons and the Digital Crown for navigation. Apple will likely unveil the Apple Watch Series 8 alongside the iPhone 14 series at its fall event on September 13.