Capcom continues to illustrate the new weapon moves of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, with today’s videos that focus on the novelties of the Long Sword and Spear moves that will be introduced with the maxi-expansion.
In the video above we can admire the new moves for the Long Sword, one of the most popular weapons in the community. The new silkworm attack ” September Moon ” generates a circular circle in a rather large radius of action. Inside, counterattacks hit monsters multiple times, thus inflicting greater damage.
Particularly interesting is also the new exchangeability ” Combo sacred holster ” which replaces the classic holster with a slower one, at the end of which it is possible to unleash an enhanced blow based on the level of the spirit bear. Conversely, if you are hit during the holster, the move will be canceled and you will lose a spirit bar.
The second video is instead dedicated to the new moves of the Lancia. With the silkworm attack “Lunge Up “, the hunter uses the thread bug to launch into the air and then executes a powerful swoop attack with the spear, dealing multiple damages.
The ” Shield Shoulder ” trading ability is, as the name suggests, a shield shoulder, which allows you to execute a small forward charge while protecting the hunter from enemy attacks. Used with the right timing it can be used to launch a counterattack.
We remind you that Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be available from June 30 for PC and Nintendo Switch. In recent days, Capcom has also released videos of the new moves of Sword Ax, Sword and Shield, Heavy Crossbow, Broadsword, Hammer, Insect Falcion, Hunting Horn, Bow, Loaded Blade and Rifle Lance.