Google has been preparing the Play Store for a redesign for a few months and after six months it seems to be launching for everyone. We already informed you in November that the first users saw a new Google Play Store on the web. Then it was quiet for a long time about the new design. The rollout of the new version is now beginning, reports the first users from overseas.
Google Play Store on the web was obsolete for many years
In the meantime, Google has removed the Movies and Series section from the Play Store . Now all that’s left to do is get the books out, because Google Play is only available for apps. But it will probably take a while until then. In any case, the new design for the web version is now rolling out, making the Play Store in the browser more like the smartphone app again. This is actually a few years overdue.
Droid-life shows the following screenshot. You can see a clear structure of the menus at the top of the screen. In addition, games get their own link ( and are no longer just considered an app category.
Typical: It is unknown whether the rollout will start immediately for everyone and for what period of time it is planned. So it may well be that we need a lot of patience again.