Nintendo has registered a patent for the identification of cheaters online. It is a technology that aims to identify any changes to the games, implementing a confirmation program that continuously checks for changes to the software code.
The patent briefly explains how this new technology will work on a technical level: “it implements confirmation programs that exploit code reuse techniques. In particular, the technology refers to self-generated confirmation programs to, among other aspects, identify whether a program has been changed.”
The same patent then refers directly to the use that will be made of it in the videogame field, that is to fight the cheaters, which are particularly widespread in online multiplayer games: ” In particular, players can modify the software in order to make them have advantages on the others, on different systems, in a multiplayer game.
These unfair advantages cause the game to be much less satisfying for the user, thus affecting the experience and human-user interaction in the game. In addition, such changes to the game program game create risks for the security of the platform. ”
Considering the upcoming Nintendo titles coming out, it is likely that we will see it in action with Splatoon 3, an essentially online title.