The WhatsApp development team has recently released the new update to version of WhatsApp Beta for Android, distributing a small aesthetic novelty to all beta testers. Specifically, a small graphic restyling has been implemented to the interface for textual status updates.
WhatsApp Beta here is the news
WhatsApp developers are constantly working on a whole host of features that will soon come within the popular messaging app. In addition to implementing new ones, sometimes the efforts of the development team involve some already existing aspects of the application that are simply refined or modified from the graphical point of view.
The novelty contained within WhatsApp Beta points precisely in this direction. Beta testers who run this preview version of the app, which is currently the latest available for download, will be able to experience a graphically renewed interface when they try to insert a textual status update.
The buttons for adding emojis, changing the text font and for changing the background color, previously located in the lower-left corner, have been moved to the upper right corner. In practice, the design has been uniform to that present in WhatsApp for iOS.
Below, now, is the label to quickly change the target audience of the status update (not all users will encounter this part of the functionality at the moment). Anyone can still change the default audience for their future status updates by following the path ” Settings> Privacy> Status “.
The new interface for textual status updates is being phased out for all those running WhatsApp Beta version for Android, a version reported as compatible with this novelty: it may still take a few days before all users receive functionality.
How to download the latest beta version of the app
To download the latest version of WhatsApp Beta available for smartphones based on Google’s Android operating system, just sign up for the Beta Program of the app (you can find the page dedicated to the program by following this link ) through Google Play Store.
If the Beta Program is temporarily full, it would still be possible to test the latest versions of WhatsApp Beta in preview, proceeding with the manual installation of the related APK files, which can be downloaded from the APK Mirror portal (whose dedicated page can be reached by following this link).