Emojis fascinate many users, being content that allows you to express your feelings in a very simple way and the Google team of developers from time to time expands the gallery of available smileys.
And so with a post on the official blog the Mountain View giant announces the creation of a new emoji font: we are talking about Noto Emoji monochromatic, a solution that Google developers consider similar to any other font that could be used (it will then be possible to change the color, size and weight of any character).
This is how the idea of Noto Emoji in Google was born
The Google team wants to highlight that this collection brings back new emojis that could be considered old: modern smileys, in fact, are increasingly detailed and realistic while at the base of the idea of Noto Emoji there is the elimination of some details to leave more room for fantasy.
Obviously, the Mountain View giant is very keen to keep up with the times and that these new emojis are adapted to the various platforms in which they will find space and it is for this reason that Noto Emoji will be able to count on a dark mode and a bright mode, as well as on the possibility of changing the color of the font to adapt to the dynamism of the operating system.
The Mountain View giant is aware that the real world is not in black and white but in the planet of smileys this new solution should allow developers to make emojis that adapt to any platform.
If you are curious to discover the new Google smileys and view the entire gallery, you can visit the Google Fonts website (you can find it by following this link). Probably soon these new emojis will find space on the Web, just have a little patience.