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Apple Watch Accessories Wristcam Update: Supports FaceTime-like video calling feature

Apple Watch

Apple Watch

Apple Watch accessory Wristcam got an update today that will provide faceTime-like video calling. Wristcam is an Apple Watch strap that adds an 8-megapixel camera and a 2-megapixel selfie camera to your wrist that can hold 2,000 photos or an hour of video.

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With the new video calling feature, Wristcam owners will be able to call friends and family directly from their wrists. The Apple Watch itself supports voice calls and audio FaceTime calls, but because it doesn’t have a built-in camera, it doesn’t have native video calling.

Using the Wristcam app, Wristcam provides watch-to-watch calls, or watch-to-watch calls, with other Wristcam users. Note that this isn’t FaceTime or some other native video calling feature — both parties must have the Wristcam app.

Video calls are available from today, but Wristcam’s website says users must apply for “early access” to use the feature. Wristcam also secured a new CrispcamOS SDK that will open up the device’s camera capabilities to App Store developers.

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