Last month Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online updated on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S getting refreshed graphics and a host of exclusive content. As if that were not enough, today April 26 they received a further update that further refined the next-gen gaming experience.
In all this time the PC version has remained literally dry-mouthed, but some evidence suggests that it could soon become the subject of an upgrade. To begin with, last week GTA 5 for PC was re-evaluated by ESRB and placed on the same card as PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Today, however, it has updated simultaneously with its next-gen counterparts receiving an update only apparently insignificant. Users did not notice any significant changes after installation, however, a more in-depth analysis by the data miners did not escape the presence of new files related to the Enhanced Edition.
These files are currently locked. This means that PC players have already received the enhanced Edition enhancements, but they won’t be able to benefit from them until Rockstar Games decides to unlock them with a further update. The impression, therefore, is that it is only a matter of time. We look forward to an announcement from the company.