Grand Theft Auto 5 has landed on its third generation of consoles thanks to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S versions. If you want to transfer your progress to the new edition of the game, perhaps taking advantage of the presence of GTA Online for free in the PlayStation Plus catalog, here are all the steps to follow.
How to connect to your Rockstar account
The first step, of fundamental importance for the correct functioning of all subsequent steps, is to connect your Microsoft or Sony account (or both) to the Rockstar Games Social Club one . If you already have a Rockstar account to which you have linked all your platforms, then you can immediately skip to the second paragraph and start preparing your game for progress transfer.
If not, you need to create a profile on the official Rockstar Games site and then log into your PlayStation Network and Xbox Live accounts directly from the Linked Accounts panel. We also suggest you enable two-factor authentication for added security.
How to transfer saves
Now that everything is ready, all that remains is to upload your progress to the cloud and, to do this, you need to start the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version of the game (even on the latest generation consoles via backwards compatibility). Access the pause menu, select the “Game” tab and then click on the option to upload your progress to the cloud.
Once this step is complete, your save will remain available for transfer to another platform for up to 90 days. When you start the game on PS5 or Xbox Series X | S you will be given the opportunity to download progress and resume both story and multiplayer exactly where you left off before uploading your save to the cloud. Be aware that the transfer includes story progress, GTA Online characters, stats, vehicles, properties, weapons, outfits and Jobs created with the editor.
Beware of transferring to different platforms
It should be noted that the progress transfer system has some limitations. Although there are no impediments to transferring saves from PS4 to Xbox Series X | S or from Xbox One to PlayStation 5, it is not possible to carry GTA $ that have been purchased through microtransactions from one platform to another. The speech is different for all the money obtained by playing, which will follow you on the destination platform without any kind of problem.
Bonuses and rewards
Players who transfer their profile will receive the new Karin S95 as well as the cool HSW noise racing suit , a chameleon deep purple pearl and prismatic red pearl paint.