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Google Pixel 6/Pro: Some are still waiting for the Bose headset

Pixel 6 With Bose Headset

Pixel 6 With Bose Headset

Google has offered a Bose headset for pre-orders of its last Pixel smartphones. First, there was the 700, then later the QC45. Anyone who pre-ordered their Pixel 6 smartphone in the action room could then “claim” the headphones.

Shipping should take up to 60 days after confirmation. According to their own statements, some of the customers are still waiting. It’s already three months or 90 days.

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A new thread on Reddit once again sheds light on an activity that requires a lot of patience for many customers. Some agree with the creator of the article, they have been waiting for the promised headphones for just as long.

German buyers of Pixel 6 phones are also affected. Some other people confirm the late receipt of the headphones, in addition to the long wait. Sometimes 30 days later than originally promised.

One can therefore continue to assume that significantly delayed headsets should still reach customers at some point. This can continue to demand a lot of patience from the affected customers, which you will have to muster for better or worse.

The excessive demand, which Google did not expect, could be to blame. But also the still tense world situation. Feel free to share your experience with the Pixel 6 cell phone campaign in the comments.

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