Google says goodbye to the third generation Pixels, which have just received the latest firmware update. It’s a sad goodbye, as Google’s two smartphones are reputed by many to be the best the big G has ever designed.
But so be it. Times are running, technology is advancing and updating products costs energy and therefore money, and the most recent models must be prioritized.
February 2022 security patch for Google Pixel 3
The fact that Google Pixel 3 and Google Pixel 3 XL have received the latest update does not mean that from tomorrow or in the near future they will no longer be usable, mind you. It simply means that from now on they will no longer be in Google’s schedules, so they will no longer receive official updates.
The ball now passes to modding, then to the independent developers who will probably take the burden – or the pleasure, depending on your point of view – of keeping the two Google smartphones “fresh”, born in 2018 and immediately entering the heart of the passionate.
The latest update is marked with build SP1A.210812.016.C1 / SP1A.210812.016.C1 which includes the latest February 2022 security patches and typical bug fixes.
Let us know in the comments what or what your relationship has been with the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, assuming you have owned one, and if you are considering modding to keep them up to date and safe.