Recently, the Chinese tech giant unveiled its latest flagship – The OnePlus 10 Pro in mainland China. The device launched with the pre-installed ColorOS 12.1 update. The device grabbed its 3rd software update in just 13 days in the form of ColorOS 12.1.
This software update comes on the build number A.08 and this update brings some camera features, games and fixes network-related issues.
The ColorOS 12.1 will come with a slew of features including AI Self-Smoothing Engine 2.1, Ultra-HD Enhanced Picture Quality. Cross-screen Interconnection, Flashback Window, Video Continuation, Free Translation, etc. Below you can check the complete changelog with the download link.
- System
- [Optimization] System fluency and stability
- [Optimization] Abnormal power consumption statistics
- The internet
- [Optimization] Network compatibility of overseas SIM cards when roaming in China
- Game
- [Optimization] Probabilistic noise problem when using a floating frame in high load scenarios
- Camera
- [Optimized] Anti-shake and image quality effects when shooting video with the rear camera
- [Optimized] The color accuracy of the rear camera photo
- [Optimized] The clarity and stereoscopic effect of the front camera
- Global translation
- [Optimization] Click the floating ball to trigger the regional translation checkbox, and optimize some visual designs