After Glass and Daydream, Google is said to be working on other projects in this area. A dedicated AR headset is planned for the coming years to stand up to Meta and Apple. Augmented Reality should also reach and conquer private consumers. Several big names in the industry are now working on this.
In addition to Meta and Apple, Google is said to have jumped on the bandwagon a long time ago. Currently, however, more behind the scenes and without public announcements. But there are details about Project Iris, as it is called internally.
Google is working on its own AR headset, according to The Verge in the new exclusive report. This type of glasses should work without a cable, the market launch is announced for 2024. Google has provided its own processor for the headset and the Pixel team is also involved in the development. Android is currently the base, but a new operating system could be used.
It shouldn’t be called Google Glass
It is even possible that very computationally intensive processes are outsourced to the cloud. Similar to cloud gaming (Stadia, etc.), where ultimately only the finished image ends up with the user. So Google unites several teams in development. In our opinion, it is realistic that there could be a Pixel headset. Pixel Glass maybe? In any case, Google Glass is off the table because of its bad reputation as a name.
Currently, about 300 people would be involved in Project Iris. Many more settings are planned. At the moment, however, the project is still being kept very secret and strictly separated from other areas of the company. You don’t make announcements while only prototypes exist in the background. This market is always exciting when the big ones get involved.