Nvidia is holding its first GeForce Now Thursday for 2022 today. But you also give a little glimpse into the future. For example, they want to include the open-world RPG Genshin Impact soon. There is currently a beta for GeForce Now members with Windows PCs.
If you want to participate, just check the GeForce Now app for Windows to see if you can see the beta. You can find out by searching for Genshin Impact. Nvidia also reminds us that GeForce Now will soon be available on the new Smart TVs from Samsung.
Already this week for GeForce Now:
- Battlefield 4: Premium Edition (On Steam and Origin)
- Battlefield V: Definitive Edition (On Steam and Origin)
The following games are also on the program in January:
- The Anacrusis (Release on Steam January 13th)
- Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction (Release on Ubisoft Connect January 20th)
- Mortal Online 2 (Early Access on Steam)
- Ready or Not (Early Access on Steam)
- Fly Corp (Steam)
- Garfield Kart – Furious Racing (Steam).