Telegram received a major version update today, introducing a large number of new features. These include Protected Content in groups and channels, the ability to delete information by date, manage connected devices, make anonymous posts in public groups, log in by phone, respond to join requests, global chat topics on Android, iOS 13 + Text recognition on iOS, text formatting capabilities in media titles on iOS, and a redesigned contact information page on iOS.
Protected Content
In this update, the most noteworthy feature is the Protected Content function. This feature is to help group and channel creators to protect their published content from being re-shared or saved. To protect the content in a group or channel, you can go to the group or channel information page, then enter the group/channel type, and then go to restrict saving content.
Delete Information By Date
Next, we can delete information by date, which gives users more control over their digital footprint. To delete messages by date, click on the date field that appears when you scroll through the chat, and then select the date range you want to clear. It should be understood that this feature is only applicable to one-to-one chats, but any chat can be set to automatically delete messages within a day, a week, or a month after being sent.
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Equipment Management
In this update, Telegram gives you better control over device management. You can now quickly link to a desktop device by scanning the QR code, and you can choose to automatically log off inactive devices after a set time period. This time period can be customized. In addition, you can click on the devices in the list to choose whether they can accept secret chats or incoming calls.
Anonymous Release
The last major content of this update is the ability to publish anonymously in public groups and channels. Although Telegram uses the word anonymous, it actually already gives you an option to publish as a channel you run. So yes, it is anonymous because people cannot see your personal identity, but you still need a channel to post on your behalf. To switch to publishing as a channel, just click on the profile picture next to the chatbox and select the channel you want to publish you can find this option in the group and channel comments section.