SAYS has done it again, the Swedish company has put together an epic first-person shooter set in a rather particular future, where climate change is able to create many problems. Battlefield 2042 is a great shooter and brings with it a large amount of content. In order not to get lost in the chaos of these, we have created for you a guide to the best weapons in the game, so that you do not despair if you lose too many multiplayer games in a row.
Battlefield 2042 List of The Best Weapons
Best Assault Rifle: AK-24
In Battlefield 2042 the best assault rifle you can aim at is the AK-24, the Soviet-origin assault rifle that is obtained once you reach level player 11. Compared to all the other weapons available before, this assault rifle combines respectable firepower and range, making it the most balanced weapon in its class, capable of mowing down hordes of enemies with just a few good shots. settled.
The AK-24 has 3 firing modes (single shot, burst of shots, automatic mode) and this variety makes it a weapon capable of acting as an excellent single-shot rifle even from a distance. If you customize it with a good quality optical sight it is able to replace even long-range weapons in desperate situations. By getting 60 kills with the AK-24 in all modes, it will be possible to unlock its most powerful accessories, capable of bringing the accuracy and handling statistics of the rifle to the levels of M5A3.
Best SMG: PP-29
The PP29 is the big brother of a practically ubiquitous weapon within first-person shooters and, in Battlefield 2042, it is achieved by reaching Player Level 18. Like all SMGs it is perfect for close-range combat and, in spite of the more manageable PBX-45, the PP-29 proves to be more precise and with greater range.
The weapon’s rate of fire makes it of great value in close-range battles, perfect for attacking or defending various points on the map, especially in Conquest or Breakthrough mode, especially if you combine a dedicated optic. With the right perspective, the weapon can also become useful during medium-distance fights, proving to be more versatile than what one usually thinks.
Best submachine gun: LCMG
It is written LCMG but it reads the best submachine gun in the game, no more and no less. The weapon in question is a curiously stronger submachine gun than its PKP-BP rival (which unlocks at level 32 while LCMG is available immediately). The submachine gun gives its best when used from an approximately medium distance, especially if you mount an optic on it (unlockable after 5 kills in any mode).
The LCMG is capable of doing a lot of damage, with excellent accuracy and excellent range and has incredibly decent handling; As long as you avoid holding the trigger too long from a long distance, you can do great things with the LCMG. By leveling up your weapon you can get great accessories like the Rattlesnake Grip for the under barrel slot, perfect if you want more accuracy or range. Also noteworthy is the Warhawk compensator, perfect for containing recoil.
Best shotgun: SVK
If we talk about shotguns, the best purchase you can make is the SVK shotgun, unlockable starting from player level 14. While the DMT7 is more manageable, the SVK can boast devastating stopping power for incredible damage with all due respect to accuracy. A headshot from the SVK is an insured death, and two hits on someone is enough to get them to the graveyard at speed, especially if there is no bulletproof armor in between.
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Best Sniper Rifle: DXR-1
If we want to make the most of the great distances from which the maps of Battlefield 2042 are characterized, what we must aim at is a nice sniper rifle, a category of which the DXR-1 represents perhaps the most important category. This type of weapon unlocks at player level 24 and, compared to the previous SWS-10, provides only improvements.
To increase, in fact, are the power of focus, accuracy, range and zoom level. What is missing is the sheer penetrating power, even less than the NWT-50 which is specially made to cut through walls or tanks but, regardless, the DXR-1 is an incredible weapon. The weapon is able to one-shot slightly wounded enemies and, with its combination of precision and zoom, is an incredibly powerful weapon for clearing out crowded spots as is often the case in “Conquest” or “Breakthrough” matches.
It is important to remember that, as in any Battlefield, playing with sniper rifles is not easy but if you still wanted to approach this kind of gameplay, this is the weapon with which to let off steam.
Best Combat Rifle: GVT 45-70
The best combat rifle present within Battlefield 2042 is the GVT 45-70, a devastating weapon very suitable for the most excited and close situations that from level 21 onwards can accompany the player towards a future made of massacres. Within the title, there is no doubt: combat rifles are often unusable due to the large size of the maps; in any case, in specific moments this kind of gun can make the difference between life and death, thanks to the devastating power of fire.
In any case, surprise surprise, this shotgun is also capable of being useful from medium distances. Thanks to the optical sight with which the player is supplied, the weapon can also be used to hit (with not exaggerated damage, we clarify immediately) medium-range targets. It lacks the rate of fire of the other combat rifles, of course, but this is offset by the increased range compared to the average of the weapon.