In the past, Ubuntu’s Wiki was recognized as a high-quality Linux documentation resource library in the industry, but now more users prefer Arch Linux Wiki, which is regarded as the gold standard for open source documentation. But Canonical now hopes to fundamentally improve the documentation of Ubuntu and other software products.
Daniele Procida, director of engineering at Canonical, said that starting this summer, he has proposed how they plan to greatly improve their documentation work. Procida commented on their documentation ambitions:
We have started a comprehensive, long-term project to revamp the documentation. Our goal is to create and maintain technical documents and document practices, which will represent the industry’s standard of excellence. We hope it can be the best. By “best” we mean that the document must first understand, respect, reflect and serve the needs of its users. These are the values we represent, and we will show them in our work. They are values that we want to be well known for.
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The current official documentation for Ubuntu is at It is said that this document work will fundamentally change the way everyone works at Canonical and require documents to a higher standard. In the pillars of the document they are moving forward, it revolves around the direction, care, execution, and equipment.