Windows 11 SE is Microsoft’s latest effort to fight Chromebooks. Although we have to wait to see if it can fight the dominance of Chrome OS, this new student-centric education operating system is equipped with Some beautiful wallpapers. Most importantly, these wallpapers are now available for free download in the Microsoft Store.
Microsoft has released a theme package called EDU wallpapers in the Windows 10 and Windows 11 application stores, which contains Windows 11 SE wallpapers. The theme pack can be downloaded on Windows 11 and Windows 10 computers, and users can also set up Windows 11 SE wallpapers on their Windows 10 computers.
A third party has also announced multiple resolution versions of Windows 11 SE wallpapers, including PCs, mobile phones, and specific resolutions for Surface devices.
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Win11 SE default HD wallpaper: Click here to download (extract code: sh4h)
Microsoft previously stated that the “SE” in Windows 11 SE is not actually an abbreviation for anything, just to distinguish it from other versions of the operating system. Windows 11 SE itself targets the educational environment, especially the K-8 market.
Brands such as Acer, Asus, Dell, Dynabook, Fujitsu, HP, JP-IK, Lenovo and Positivo will launch laptops equipped with Windows 11 SE. It is expected that most of the devices will be ordered through educational channels later this year and in 2022.