After the Android version, the desktop Chrome browser has integrated the Screenshot option in the Share menu. When you take a screenshot, it will be automatically saved to the clipboard, allowing you to save it to your computer. Google is now adding edit mode to Chrome’s desktop screenshot feature.
To use the screenshot function, you need to experience it in the latest Chrome 98 Canary version
- Visit chrome://flags
- Search for “screenshots” and select “Enabled” from the drop-down menu of “Desktop Screenshots”
- Restart the browser
To use the screenshot editing function, you need the following operations
- Open the Chrome browser
- Visit chrome://flags
- Search for “edit mode” and select “Enabled” from the drop-down menu of Desktop Screenshots Edit Mode
- Restart the browser
Note: If you don’t see the share button in the address bar, please turn on the desktop sharing hub in the Omnibox logo on the about://flags page and restart Chrome.
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After the Flag is enabled, in addition to downloading, Google also provides editing and sharing options. According to the company, after clicking the button, it provides an editing process for users and users can edit screenshots.
Use the screenshot editor of the desktop Chrome browser
- Click the share icon and select a screenshot
- Drag and drop the area you want to take a screenshot on the screen, and then click the Edit button, and the Chrome browser will reach the chrome://image-editor page. I hope this feature will be launched as soon as possible. Up to now, the screenshot image The editor page is just a placeholder.