In Wednesday’s update, Apple introduced the so-called In-app Event function to the App Store to help developers better create and promote special events, such as game tournaments, live events, and movie premieres. The first batch of compatible apps has been on the App Store, and Apple has advertised it to customers in the Today message stream and emails.
iOS 15/iPad OS 15 users can see new promotional cards in the App Store, and can easily add schedule reminders through the embedded reminder button. If it has not been downloaded, the interface will provide download options. If the main application is already installed, you can also navigate directly to the related in-app activities.
In addition to cards, the App Store product page can also display detailed information about current and future in-app promotions in a new section. In the first batch of apps with this feature enabled, Apple has selected a batch of Halloween-themed resources, including the Dead Siege survival mode in the mobile game Call of Duty, the limited characters in Pokemon Go, And the new mode of PUBG mobile game.
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Finally, Apple focused on the upcoming events in games such as Royal Clash, Original God, Rise of the Kingdom and other streaming media platforms scheduled to land on Disney+, Hulu, Paramount+, HBO Max, ESPN, etc. in the next few weeks.