According to the performance running score shared by user 9lekt, Google’s self-developed Tensor processor’s GeekBench 5 running score is close to Apple’s A12 Bionic. More sadly, A12 Bionic is a SoC launched by Apple 3 years ago, and it surpassed Google Tensor in both single-core and multi-core running scores.
Google Pixel 6 Pro (2021) vs iPhone XS Max (2018) Geekbench result
No comment🤐— S Pain🎛️ is busy irl (@9lekt) October 24, 2021
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But remember, the benchmark results can only explain half of the problem, and what you see may not translate into actual performance. We must also consider the optimization bit. The disappointing single-core and multi-core scores may also be attributed to the energy-saving aspects of Tensor, and Google may deliberately hope that this chip performs poorly in order to provide the best battery life for Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro users.