Today, Apple officially announced that it will hold an Unleashed event on Tuesday, October 19th. The protagonist of this event should be the previously rumored, redesigned MacBook Pro model. The latest news is that some models of Apple’s upcoming M1X MacBook Pro will use a 120Hz refresh rate display.
Apple launched the iPhone 13 series last month, and the Pro models are equipped with a new 120Hz ProMotion display. now. According to analyst Ross Young, the upcoming M1X MacBook Pro models will also be equipped with a 120Hz refresh rate. Ross Young also hinted in a tweet that the 14-inch and 16-inch M1X MacBook Pro models will use Mini LED displays with a refresh rate of 120Hz.
This is not the first time we have heard the details related to the Mini LED display, but there are very few rumors related to the 120Hz refresh rate. Nevertheless, Young said it was 100% confirmation. Young also said that Apple will use the same vendor it uses on the iPad Pro. Although it can be confirmed that the Mini LED display will be used, according to Young, it is not certain which M1X MacBook Pro models will add a higher 120Hz refresh rate.
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Apple has equipped the ProMotion display on the iPad Pro series for a long time, and now the company has brought this technology to its iPhone 13 Pro model. Therefore, if Apple does add it to the upcoming M1X MacBook Pro models, it is not surprising.
The ProMotion display on the iPhone 13 Pro model has a variable refresh rate that can be as low as 10Hz. Compared with the standard iPhone 13, this helps to improve the battery life of the Pro model. If Apple does implement it, it will also enhance the battery life of MacBook Pro models.