Chrome 95 Beta released, completely remove the obsolete FTP support

After the Chrome 94 stable version week was released, Chrome 95 also entered the Beta channel today. Several improvements were provided in the Chrome 95 Beta version. Interested users can learn more about the Chrome 95 Beta version through the blog. More technical details about the changes to the Chrome 95 Beta version can also be found on

Chrome 95 Beta:

  • As a first attempt, Google tried to reduce the exposed HTTP user agent string information in order to reduce the possible browser fingerprinting of the website.
  • What is still being tried at the origin is the access handle of the file system access API. This can provide a better performance, as well as new usage scenarios.
  • Safe payment confirmation and WebAssembly exception handling have been upgraded from the previous origin test.
  • Added EyeDropper API for building custom color pickers.
  • URLPattern, as a new API, provides operating system support for matching URLs with the provided patterns.

FTP support is now completely removed. Since Chrome 88, it has only been offered through obsolete trials, but it has now been completely cancelled.

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