According to the latest report, Apple has released the Safari 15 Beta version for macOS Catalina. Unlike Safari Technology Preview, the Beta version uses a new design that matches macOS Monterey. Safari 15 can be used in macOS Monterey, but users of the current macOS version of macOS Big Sur can experience the features of Safari 15 through the latest Safari Technology Preview version 128.
This beta version is separate from the macOS Monterey beta or Safari Technology Preview so that macOS Catalina users can also experience Safari 15. The early version of Safari 15 brought a lot of redesigns, canceled the dedicated URL and search interface, and allowed the use of any separate tab for navigation input.
The tabs are also arranged at the top of the display to minimize the space occupied by the top of the Safari window. After a lot of user complaints about the new interface, macOS Monterey beta 3 changed these designs to optional. Safari 15 also includes new features such as tab groups and a redesigned sidebar.