Today, the new Nintendo Switch OLED model of Nintendo Switch does not have much-upgraded content, but the price is more than 50 US dollars more than the original Switch, and the cost price has only increased by 10 US dollars.
Yoshio Tamura, the co-founder of DSCC, an industry analyst firm, said that the new Switch uses Samsung’s 7-inch OLED panel, and the price should be 3-5 US dollars higher than the original Switch. Other analysts also said that the cost of increasing the internal storage of the new Switch to 64GB is about $3.5, and other new components such as the new base will add a few more dollars. In general, it is about $10 higher than the cost of the original Switch.
After the game console is on the market, the price will usually drop after a period of time. However, the price of the new Switch has increased without much change in the basic performance, which is a very special example in the gaming industry.
The market has mixed views on the new Switch. Serkan Toto, CEO of Kantan Games, a Japanese game industry consulting company, believes that the demand for Switch consoles is strong, so there is no reason to lower prices. He also believes that the new Switch will not fail.
Morningstar analyst Kazuno Ito believes that Nintendo has failed to provide enough added value to justify the $50 premium for the new Switch. He believes that the new host makes it difficult to raise interest and cannot maintain the development momentum of the platform at all.
Economist Takayuki Miyajima said: Nintendo has made a bold decision. It is clear that in the future, players will spend more on services and less on goods. If they have concerns about their platform performance, Would not make this move.