Because Apple has strict controls over the iOS ecosystem, they are able to build a large, crowdsourced network of devices that can help locate other devices. And Google is trying to build its own network of crowdsourced devices. Recently, XDA has reverse-compiled APK files and found that Google may introduce the Google version of the Find My feature in future updates.
However, this feature should not be launched in the short term, because this feature does not appear in the real-time build version, and it may be cut off by developers at any time in the future. In the 21.24.13 version of Google Play Services released today, the following strings were found:
<string name=”mdm_find_device_network_description”>Allows your phone to help locate your and other people’s devices.</string>
<string name=”mdm_find_device_network_title”>Find My Device network</string>
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The new string clearly indicates that Google is developing a Find My Device network that uses Google Play Services to [allow] your phone to locate your device and other people’s devices. Google has launched an application called “Find My Device” on the Play Store, but it can only find devices that login to your account. The “Find My Device” network can help other Android users find their lost or stolen devices.
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