Samsung and Vivo became the fastest growing 5G smartphone vendors in Q1 2021

The latest research report released by Strategy Analytics pointed out that in Q1 of 2021, Samsung and Vivo will become the world’s fastest-growing 5G smartphone manufacturers. Samsung grew by 79% month-on-month, and Vivo grew by 62% month-on-month.

Samsung’s 5G smartphone shipments increased by 79% month-on-month to 17 million units, making it the world’s fastest-growing 5G smartphone manufacturer. In South Korea, North America and parts of Europe, the market for Samsung’s new 5G models has performed well.

Vivo became the second fastest-growing 5G smartphone manufacturer in the quarter, with quarter-on-quarter growth of 62%, with shipments of 19 million units, and its main battlefields for sales are in China and Europe.

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Ken Hyers, Director of Strategy Analytics, said: “Global 5G smartphone shipments increased by 6% from the previous month, reaching a record 136 million units in Q1 of 2021. Demand for 5G smartphones is still very strong, especially in China, the United States and Western Europe.

We predicted that global 5G smartphone shipments will reach a record 624 million units in 2021, which is much higher than the 269 million units in 2020.


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