According to Bloomberg News, Pokemon GO developer Niantic is developing Transformers: Heavy Metal, which is an AR game that will be released within this year and land on the mobile platform. Niantic said: Transformers: Heavy Metal is not about fighting on a distant planet in a distant galaxy. It is about giant robots coming to Earth and fighting in the middle of Los Angeles. For us, in the middle of Los Angeles. The giant robots walking in the real world are so good that they should not be missed.”
Bloomberg Reported:
Pokemon Go accounts for 80% of AR (augmented reality) game revenue ($1.5 billion) in 2020. Niantic is developing more than ten games, targeting different types of players
Transformers: Heavy Metal” allows a group of players to fight digital robots. Niantic will test a cheap version in New Zealand on a limited basis in June: the robots appear in a static background, unlike in the real world. Niantic and toy manufacturer Hasbro has been talking about AR adaptation of the game for 8 years, the latter owns the copyright to the Transformers series.
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Creating a game that allows a group of players with smartphones to fight huge digital robots on city streets is a major technical challenge because it means presenting huge and constantly changing images and understanding that each player is How to interact with them
Julie Ask, an analyst at Forrester, said that technology alone is unlikely to keep anyone focused. “Consumers are not interested in augmented reality technology. What they are interested in is What can augmented reality do for them”.
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