Android 12 gets photochromic themes in Google Discover

Android 12 is packed with improvements and new features. The most striking thing is the new interface. However, this goes further than we thought so far, according to new screenshots from Google Discover.

Android 12 With Doodle Theme

Google Discover is a repository full of news articles, which are tailored to your personal preferences. You see a Doodle on special days such as holidays or a large event. This is a modified, playful take on the Google logo. You saw this in the search engine, and therefore in Google Discover. Now a nice improvement has been found in Google Discover on Android 12.

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For users with Android 12, the doodle can adjust the style of Google Discover. These changes were found by 9to5Google, which concerns the beta version of the application. The theme of the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem is continued in the theme of Google Discover. For now, the improvement seems to be only implemented in Android 12, but who knows, Google might take the opportunity to make it suitable for Android 11 as well.


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