Pavel Durov, one of the founders of Telegram, a well-known encrypted messaging app, recently said in an interview with The New York Times that “developing software for Apple is like living in the Middle Ages” and put iPhone users Called “digital slaves”. Android Central pointed out that the remarks were made on Durov’s public telegram channel. At the same time, during the trial of the Epic Games v. Apple case, Pavel Durov has also been critical of Apple.
Pavel Durov pointed out that Apple is very effective in pursuing the business model, especially good at selling outdated hardware that is too expensive to price-insensitive customers.
Durov Said: Every time I have to use the iPhone to test my iOS app, it feels like I’m back in the middle ages. The iPhone’s only 60Hz refresh rate display has long been unable to match the 120Hz high refresh rate of more modern Android smartphones.
Even so, Apple Insider is still skeptical about the difference in the 60/120 Hz refresh rate and the idea that the iPhone is “outdated”. After all, Apple’s A-series processors are still ahead of Android competitors in many respects.
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In addition to hardware, Pavel Durov is also dissatisfied with Apple’s forced installation of applications through the App Store and only through iCloud to back up local data. Of course, the tension between Telegram and Apple is not a cold day. As early as 2018, Apple removed Telegram from the App Store due to concerns about child pornography distributed on the platform.
In 2020, Telegram filed a complaint with the European Commission on antitrust issues. Then, for the same reason as Parler, Apple was sued by the Cyber Security Alliance for failing to remove the Telegram application.
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