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Tencent START Cloud Game new project announced



At the Tencent press conference yesterday, Tencent START cloud game projects announced that popular games such as Horrible Kitchen will be launched soon, supporting PC/TV/mobile three-terminal interoperability.

As early as in the Nvidia GTC conference in 2019, Nvidia CEO Huang Renxun announced the cooperation with Tencent to launch the START cloud game service. Nvidia graphics cards will provide support for Tencent’s START cloud gaming platform, based on PC and console games, and support platforms such as macOS/Windows/Android TV, including a variety of online games and terminal games.

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Official Announcement:

Enjoy the console-level cloud gaming experience anytime, anywhere! Games such as League of Legends, King of Fighters 14, Dungeons and Warriors do not need to be downloaded and can be played in seconds. Now supports PC/TV/mobile three-terminal intercommunication. Secretly tell you that popular console games such as your favorite “Monkey Kitchen” will also be launched soon. The TV speed version is now available for download on all mainstream models.

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